Crazy Statistics
Published by Wayne in On my mind · Monday 27 May 2024
The numbers are up! The site views are going crazy....what is going on?
I am sure that they aren't all actual people viewing the site but now I am almost wishing that it was back up with affiliate links everywhere so I can make my fortune.
This week it is averaging around 70 visits per day - that's nearly 3 times the average when it was all up and running. My insightful comments and wonderful content must be responsible. Or not.
In any case, my new site is still nowhere near ready to go, so I might as well make the most of it. The campaign for the Robert Vaughn and the Shadows vinyl release is almost over. At the time of writing, there was less than 48 hours to go and it has MADE the funding goal. I am delighted.
The Dawks band play a gig at the end of the week (June 1st) in Hamilton, New Zealand. As usual, we are a bit under-rehearsed. Some illnesses and scheduling issues have affected our practice time but it will still go well.
So, dear readers (real or otherwise), have another month or two of SmashThatComputer.