Finally it comes...

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Finally it comes...

SmashThatComputer 2022
Published by Wayne in On my mind · Friday 20 Sep 2024
Finally....the so-called visitors to my site are dropping off. Ever since I signalled that Smash That Computer was shutting up shop, visitor numbers to the site have SOARED! The more I said "it's going", the more they came to see.
Now, the numbers are dropping. 80% decline this month. That's both good and bad, as the site (such as it is) will stay until the Domain Name payment runs out) but content won't be updated. The good, is that I can refer them to my new site "Wayne Barnett Artist" but the bad is that there won't be so many people to redirect.
If it was all robots visiting, then it won't actually matter I guess. My new site is starting to climb above 15 visitors per day, so that's ok too.

My real headache is how to switch over my hosting from SmashThatComputer as the main site, to having WayneBarnettArtist as the main site. Some emails to Support will be needed, I guess.

So, if you are a real person reading this Blog, get on over to or for some new content!

New Zealand
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